The Perfect Enemy | COVID-19 cases up by two in Columbia County - Magnoliareporter
May 14, 2024

COVID-19 cases up by two in Columbia County – Magnoliareporter

COVID-19 cases up by two in Columbia County  MagnoliareporterView Full Coverage on Google News

COVID-19 cases in Columbia County have risen slightly over the weekend, according to the Arkansas Department of Health.

There have been no new virus-related deaths in the five-county area of South Arkansas.

COVID-19 Metrics for Columbia County

Total Cumulative Cases: 6,792

Total Active Cases: 36. Up two since Thursday.

Total Recovered Cases: 6,651

Total Deaths: 105. Last death recorded January 29.

COVID-19 Metrics for Lafayette County

Total Cumulative Cases: 1,505

Total Active Cases: 3. No change since Thursday.

Total Recovered Cases: 1,471

Total Deaths: 30. Last death recorded March 30.

COVID-19 Metrics for Nevada County

Total Cumulative Cases: 2,768

Total Active Cases: 6. Up one since Thursday.

Total Recovered Cases: 2,716

Total Deaths: 46. Last death recorded October 9.

COVID-19 Metrics for Ouachita County

Total Cumulative Cases: 6,771

Total Active Cases: 20. Up two since Thursday.

Total Recovered Cases: 6,625

Total Deaths: 126. Last death recorded February 17.

COVID-19 Metrics for Union County

Total Cumulative Cases: 11,283

Total Active Cases: 26. Up five since Thursday.

Total Recovered Cases: 11,051

Total Deaths: 204. Last death recorded January 29.


Total COVID-19 cases, includes all confirmed and probable cases: 1,005,790

Number of new cases reported in the last 24 hours: 326. Down 134 since Thursday.

Recovered cases: 989,700

Deaths: 13,001. Up 11 since Thursday.

COVID-19 Vaccinations for Columbia County

Total Number of Doses: 30,118

Percent of Population Partially Immunized: 10.1%

Percent of Population Fully Immunized: 52.0%

Testing Data for Columbia County

Tests per 1,000 individuals

PCR Percent Positivity: 11.85%

Antigen Percent Positivity: 12.10%

Total Positive Tests: 7040

PCR Positives: 3357

Antigen Positives: 3683

Total Negative Tests: 51717

PCR Negatives: 24963

Antigen Negatives: 26754

Total Tests: 58757

Private Lab Tests: 53667

Public Lab Tests: 4843